FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
We compiled the most relevant questions here! If you do not find an answer here just forward you question to the community forum below!
Is there a free version?
Yes, the Maker edition of the RDC can be downloaded and used for free in non-commercial applications. It can be used e.g. with the step/dir interface.
How difficult is it to program a robot with RDC?
RDC has been developed with the goal of a simple and intuitive user interface. With the 3D view on the robot and the program editor its easy to set up programs. There is no real programming e.g. in C++ or python involved 🙂
Just download the software and try it!
How do I program the robot?
Robots are in most cases programmed by a teach-in precedure: you move the robot to a position and then record this position. Doing so and adding structure (loops, if-then-else, …) and interaction (inputs and outputs) a robot program is created.
The RDC does it excatly this way, using an intuitive 3D user interface. I does take only a few minutes to set up the first program!
What kind of hardware does the control run on?
The Maker edition runs on a standard Windows PC with middle class hardware. The Industrial version can run on Windows and Linux. For OEM version also embedded systems (RaspPi etc) or ARM microcontroller can be targeted.
How can I connect CANopen controller?
CANopen motor controller can be used with the Industrial version of the RDC, please get in contact! support@robotdimension.com
Please have a little patience, we are working on it!
For questions, hints or any other requests please get in contact: